Biffin' (Best Friends for Never)
The 20s are all about closing your inner circle. "A friend to all is a friend to none" - Aristotle. There are so very many people in the world and even on overwhelming amount on a college campus. So many faces, stories, and potential friendships to know, hear, and pursue. The thing is you can't be friends, like full on "idealized reciprocated interdependent supporters," with everyone. It's physically impossible and way too taxing. Somehow you end up emphasizing some friendships more than others and life chooses for you, whether consciously or not, who the most important people in your are. No friendship is perfect but you can come damn near close. Biffin' (best friends for never) or nah? People let me tell you about my best friend(s). Whenever someone ask you about your best friend, I don't know about you but my entire face lights up at the mention of any of their names. That's how I know I've found someone who "gets" me on the ...