Black, White & Gray All Over
The 20s are all about understanding the world around you being more than just the way you see it. You see, the truth is relative. There are some universal truths and even more so that have yet to be proven. We all come and interact with one another and have our beliefs, ideals, and personal truths collide. Every single day we trade ideas, and thoughts. We grow and change, while some things stay the same. No matter what, our memories and those of us, are forever. Things aren't just black and white, they're gray all over. What we want to see is in vibrant color. No one is perfect. It's something we are told from a young age and yet we're still tasked with trying to achieve perfection every day. It's impossible. It cannot be done. We make mistakes. We mess up. We do the wrong thing. It's human nature. We are flawed. We have imperfections. We are faulty. Why do we chase something, this ambiguous and amorphous, that's unattainable? There's no point. Some