Pass Out
Being a teenager is all about pushing yourself to limits of adolescent sanity. It's about being able to stay cool under pressure, and exerting yourself past your known limits. This week has been, for sure, the most unbelievably difficult week of college by far, hands down, and without a doubt. I'm talking sleep deprivation in it's greatest form. Y'all know beauty sleep is essential to the teenage lifestyle, without it, we all wake up looking weird, wrinkly and old. Get ready for the wildest two days by far, I'm ready to pass out. Mystery Model's Look-A-Like, actor/model Wesley Morgan Whenever you attend the class after an exam, all you've got is that dangfangled contraption on your mind. It's impossible to listen to your professor drone on and on about nucleic acid brain juice or chemical reaction explosion boom-boom pows. I get to biology on Wednesday, and I really have no intention of accomplishing anything. I guess I'm going to class because