Zero Gravity

The 20s are all about doing more than you ever thought possible. It's a time to test your limits and surpass them. The only thing ultimately holding you back is yourself. No one has the right to ever hold you down. You are obligated and owe it to yourself to go above and beyond what you have dreamed for yourself. Success, prosperity, happiness, love, friendship, and everything in between belong to you because you go after it. You get off the ground because you jump. You leap and you take off into the air. You ascend because the shear power of who you are propels you. There's zero gravity when you decide for there be.
There is so much power is being vulnerable. Vulnerability is not a sign a weakness but rather a sign of astute strength. Those who are able to speak the truth of who they are and share their experiences are among some of the bravest in the world, at least in my humble opinion. It takes real guts, gumption, and god awful courage to talk about what you've been through. To show fear, anguish, pain, helplessness, and those emotions that we're not supposed to display publicly, oh how moving it is to see a person be human. Showing your humanity, there's nothing like it. Our society teaches us that it's not okay to have problems, to be flawed, to be imperfect but that's absolutely outrageous because all three of those things are true for all of us. We have things that we deal with. We are critical of ourselves. We mess up all the damn time. You know what keeps us held down, stuck, and alone in all our struggles? It's that separation, the fact that we think that it's not okay to be a REAL PERSON. How backwards is that? Do you know how meaningful it would be if we all had the fortitude to let others in and to expose ourselves so that we could find solidarity, aid, and support from others, and they empowerment, awareness, and depth from us? There would be no stopping us. Think of all the times you saw something and didn't say or do anything about it and it made you anxious. Think of all the cringeworthy moments you had that you wish you could do over. Think of the advice you would give your younger self. We could free one another from oppressive forces of solitude by just talking. I mean being candid, explicit, and graphic for good purpose, for the education and emancipation of someone else. Recently a friend of mine has been doing just that in the most extraordinary way. He's been involved with this unbelievable simple but wholeheartedly groundbreaking movement on facebook called "#WingsForYouth" where young people share 2 minute videos talking about things that matter to them that they may not have spoken about ever before. It's all about the premise of liberation for others, especially those who are at some the most impressionable times in their lives. Check it out and contribute as you can. I've made two videos, and I'm telling you the rawness, authenticity, and emotion in everyone's shakes you to the very core of your soul. When you do one, it's awkward as hell because we're not used to talk in front of a camera but you feel like a weight has been lifted of your shoulders. The community around it is so supportive. It's like you've been unshackled because you've now made whatever you spoke more than just something you deal with. There's zero gravity, and nothing and no one to hold you down anymore. You have the key to unlock your inner power, do it.
There's something so special about being a senior. Maybe it's the fact you know that in a year's time you'll be finished with this phase of your education, or that you're now the eldest students at your institution. Whatever it is, it gives you this unbridled energy. It's not that I feel invincible but I feel superpowered like I could take off into space at any moment as if there was zero gravity. It's like I've been freed from everything that weighed me down before. I don't care. By that I mean, I no longer have the burden of giving a damn about what others think of me to that extent that it used to. I can feel free to be myself and do what I want. I get to be exactly who I've always wanted, uncut, unfiltered, and uncensored. I have risen above all the drama, the pettiness, the basics and all the unnecessary anguish. I'm beyond it. It's over, or none of it has power over me, not any more. I am uncontrollable force to be reckoned with. I am off the charts. I am out of this world. I freaking had an article published on USA Today: College - Generation Ideal: Millenials and Social Media Activism I am focused this year on my studies, on finishing strong and enjoying my life. I am set in my friends, I've purged those who did nothing more than weigh me down, but am open to allowing those who are respectful of the entirety of me in. I'm ready to kick all the ass. I'm taking all the names, and doing with all what I will. I'm more powerful than I have ever been and there's nothing that can stop me except myself. I am going to do great things because I said so and because I faith in myself and those who endow me. I don't think you can understand why I'm trying to convey because being me right now is both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. The self-awareness of knowing that you're distinctly different than everyone else is kind of overwhelming. I know I will find my purpose and use that to glorify the heavens. I'm going to change my world (at least my campus) and all those who see me will know about me. That much I can tell you. I forsee supermarvelous things ahead, you had better believe it.

Coming back to school is always a weird experience but ironically I flew to my college town of Burlington, Vermont last Thursday. Call it foreshadowing or just plain ticket purchase but as soon I landed my fraternity brother, Jake, picked me up and we hit the ground running. We were knocking things out like nobody's business in preparing for our big fraternity recruitment push. We visited his older brother, Derrick, at work and went to lunch in the drizzling rain. I made cupcakes and went to visit some of my friends from orientation, namely Sydney and Benjy. I spent hours reconnecting with them and it just worked, ya know, seamlessly. There wasn't any pressure to be anyone else other than myself. The next few days flew by with countless hours logged with my fraternity/sorority life executives helping first year students move-in (manual labor and I still do not mix well), holding a goal setting session, participating in a leadership retreat, doing community service, and being those people at a late night campus event. We tabled and passed out flyers at a miniature activities fair before putting in work cleaning up our office, sending emails, and preparing materials. Honestly, being with all those people, Sam, Scott, Renée, Emma, Sarah, Maddie, Sophia, Sophie, Fiona, Audrey, and Ari was so much damn fun. We were busy but the silly banter, the laughter, and the easy-going atmosphere was exactly what I needed. We all just fit and I couldn't imagine working with anyone else. We showed for the incoming students by waving our chapter flags, and cheering them on in their post-convocation parade and finished our town hall meeting. Some of us went to a great bonding dinner at Five Guys & Chipotle with our new graduate coordinator Lian. I spent the rest of the weekend around those long days organizing my apartment with my roommate Zach. We made an epic grocery run, ordered textbooks and other random things on Amazon Prime, and hung out. Every day with him is an adventure full of gut-busting laughter, it's going to be a fun year to say the least. Monday rolled around and I had my first classes of the school year. Cue the awkwardness that I overcame and slayed triumphantly. The amount of people I talked to was outlandish but it was good to be welcome back to campus by so many people and for me to be able to do the same for others, particularly the new first year students I had interacted with over the summer. Another new day of classes rolled by, and even with a minor plot twist, nothing can bring me down. There's zero gravity and it's feeling good.

My blog post question for the day is ... what are your hopes and fears for this year? I hope to figure out what my purpose is and my calling. I want to determine what I'll be doing after graduation and how my life will progress. I'm afraid that I'll choose the wrong thing. I'm afraid that I'm not supposed to be where I am and do what I'm doing. I'm worried that some weights won't stay off.


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