
Being a teenager is all about making mark on everyone you come into contact with. When I go someplace and leave, I want people to talk about me for days to come, in all positive ways. I want people to know that I did something marvelous, something worth mentioning, and something worthy of my humanity. It's all about writing the best chapter in this book called life. Put it all out there, and leave a legacy.
Leaving a legacy means that you've done something memorable, something buzz worthy and something you can be proud of. It doesn't have be being the most well known, the most popular, or the best looking. It can be something small, taking the time to go out of your way to be kind to a stranger, tell someone they're looking good, or affirm that they're doing a great job. I'm telling you it's the little things that matter. You build up your rapport (yeah, I took my ACT's kiddies, and got a 30 so what now) with people and you'll become synonymous with powerful words like charismatic, empathetic, and down to Earth. Just making someone laugh, cheering them up, and taking the time to listen to others can be all you need to leave a worthy legacy. You don't have to be the campus leader (that awkward moment you are one ... aka my life) that drastically changes everything - if you are, great - but if not you're not out of luck and won't easily be forgotten if you be the best you possibly. Leave that legacy for everyone to see, hear, and be proud of.

When it comes to legacies of awkwardness, clumsiness, and ridiculousness, I'm your man. Friday was spent in restorative practices training, day two - which included my group of peeps sitting in the front inner circle of chairs, which meant that my face making habit was seen by everyone. Sorry, I get bored, and make faces - it's my thing. The entire time we're learning more and more about how we can form these affective questions and give affective statements, and it actually makes sense to do so. We practice confronting incidents with our crazy cool co-advisor Drake (as in my executive board of myself, Sam, Felicia, Bret, Anna and Terra) and it's actually really hard to make "I" statements instead of accusing when it ish goes down. We get back in the large group with some of the RA's and I just feel like I'm being ogled hardcore by a few members of both genders - well glad I float your boat, but if I notice you staring at me, you must not be doing a good job of being discreet. I probably was sending mixed messages, my nervous thing to do is bite my lip - welp shoot, I must lead a whole lot of people on them. We practice a brainstorming tactic variation of a group circle called a fishbowl where the most awkward inside joke regarding a complex mascot got out of hand really fast. When you're on the outside of inside joke, you're like what's going on. We watched a powerful video called "Burning Bridges" where these 6 young men burned down a covered bridge in their small town, and restorative practices and judicial punishment were used to mend the situation. Our group went to dinner, and talked like never before about the controversy of the video and did a check-in on how we all felt afterwards. We were done for the day, so that meant doing extra work for IRA as in supplies list making, practice poster designing and email sending. Night falls and I order some chicken wings, and watch SLiDE (mmkay, thanks you teennick) while listening to the drunken mess that was the beekeepers convention rage like the wasted middle-aged adults they were. Ooph, that ish was cray. Leaving a legacy of youthful humor wherever I go.

My personal legacy most likely has something to do with my allegedly hilarious quirky personality. Saturday I got dressed and started our third day of restorative practices training. A group circle opens it up and of course I name drop Degrassi (that's my life) - we do a recap of what we've learned so far. We get into small groups and practice answering questions from different people's perspective when an incident happens. We watch a video of  formal conference for a kid who got too drunk and punched out windows on his campus. Well now we know how that goes down - and so we practiced a formal conference of our own. Dang, apparently some people can act, and few really got into their roles - all over a loud music dispute. We head off to lunch were my table of IRA people is doing the utmost, geeking out laughing, struggling to figure out what we'll do for fun later, and practicing our cheer while everyone else stares at us (story of our lives). We get back to work and start it all off with our epic cheer that's met with rave reviews (if I do say so myself #winning) before bringing it all to a close with final recaps and a closing circle. Our group decides to go our separate ways, and Sam and I spend just over and hour working on our posters while the WDW (residence hall where our office is located) checks in and out of their supply room while we're blasting One Direction's  "Up All Night" album. We lock up and head back to the Heights to relax a bit before beginning our walk downtown. Just a downhill mile NBD, we make it to Church Street and it's jam packed with families like never before. We walk all the way around looking for a suitable restaurant and some random bum says hi to us, and we just smile and walk by and he has the audacity to say "don't you speak English" - you're a mess buddy, and I don't time for your ignorance. Sketchy hipster kids everywhere, and we get sandwiches and drinks from Kountry Kart Deli before sitting in the park to eat. Not before we decide to cross the street (j-walking style) and I have a close call with a motorcyclist  #neverwillIever try that again - whoopsies. Sam and I discuss our plans for the year for our love lives (I just need a girl to met my high standards and keep up with my witty banter - is that too much to ask). We make our way to the movie theater and watch the Bourne Legacy. I'm going to say I loved it - Jeremy Renner is now officially my favorite actor (surpassing Chris Evans) - dude is 41 years old and kicks ass, and plays his character's perfectly. Great movie, believable and easily watchable and kept me wanting more. I would definitely recommend going to see it - liked it more than that Dark Knight Rises (don't judge me - I've already reviewed that one). We walk back up to campus avoiding a shady character on the corner and a drunk stumbling twenty-something (it was 9pm, way too early).  I'm supposed to meet my roommate Patrick aka Krabby Patty in our hall but it's super creepy in there with TV on and no one in the lounge, echoes in the stairwell, and every suite door open - so damn weird. He brings the last of my stuff (my arsenal of apparel is officially complete) and I introduce him to our awesome RA. I put my stuff away and call it a night - a weird night that is. Leaving a legacy of forever young naivety wherever I go.

Being a teenager is all about doing things that make you worthy of talk. Even if you're not the talk of the town, someone will remember you and internalize that special thing that you did for them. Giving guidance, being a friend in a time of need, or just being present in a conversation. People will notice you for all the things you do - it's up to you write your own legacy.
My blog post question for the day is ... if you could be anyone else for a day, who would it be and why? I'd definitely be Brenton Thwaites, the chance to be an Australian heartthrob and have girls thrown themselves at me would be epic.


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