Kickin' It Old School

The 20s are all about doing what you love and loving what you do. Everyone has that special thing that they absolutely live for and can never get enough of. When you find that thing in college, it becomes somewhat of a motivation to keep carrying on. No matter, you get to eventually do it and it literally makes your day. For me that's attending NEACURH RHA (residence hall association) conferences, and this past weekend I was more than in there. We were kickin' it old school.

*Check out this accompanying vlog upload that explains all this conference lingo - you're welcome. Conference Run-Down Video - blog post, part 1 of 2.

Friday morning was me packing like nobody's business after a long night of prepping for conference making the banner, display, passive program trifold and gathering all the supplies we'd need (facepaint, decorated clothespins, swag and food). 9:30AM rolled around and that was the official time my RHA delegation, (Sam, Jaime, Tori, Lauren, Drake) was to hit the road. We put the pedal to the metal and pushed. You I was in the back row passing in and out of sleep (that 4AM bed time did me no good whatsoever). Everyone else was snacking hardcore, singing along to musical soundtracks, or telling random life stories. I have this uncanny ability to sleep like anywhere in any position at any time and it's not by conscious choice just practice of ridiculousness. We made a pit stop in Connecticut at this rest stop superstore where we met some other conference go-ers, namely the students from Stonehill college. We peaced and continued our journey to Stony Brook University in Long Island, New York. We hit the toll booths, crossed some water, and made up our roll call along the way. Finally we made, parked and got spirited all the way up in the parking lot. We were doing the most swiping bands of paint across our faces, tying bandanas, and sporting capes and spirit cones like there was no tomorrow. We got lost on campus but followed some people until we made our was to their student center. Checked in and bumped into some of the originals [in my time] (as in the people who've been conference ever since I started my freshman year) like Kyle from Cortland, and my best friend Jeff from  UConn. In we went to the opening ceremonies and you know we strolled up in that piece fashionably late, as always. Pomp and circumstance abounded and the roll calls started. School, after school ... after school, took to the stage to introduce themselves and perform a little skit, dance, or cheer relating to the "Back to the Future" theme (hence the post title). Two and a half hours later (if I'm throwing some hardcore shade) we finished and it was time to mix, mingle and hang the heck out with the other conference goers. Ready or not, we're kickin' it old school.

When you enter a room full of strangers, what do you? Me, I kind of walk the edges of the room, sizing people up, and figuring out how I'm going to not be social awkward and integrate into the mix. I make my way around the room and find my entrance, and go from there. You turn it on (it for me being my young adult boyish charm, million dollar smile, gigantic laugh and unrelenting pop culture references) and you just go. So in I went with my delegation, grabbed some cotton candy, tackled the obstacle course and started talking to strangers. Everyone was so excited just to be there. Everyone was swapping clothespins, shaking hands, taking selfies and doing their thing. It was hands down the best environment to break the ice in. Midnight rolled around and so did hunger, so my delegation stopped by Burger King and did the most. Five people yelling at the order box for the most random compilation of food ever. We grabbed our stuff, went into the hotel and the girls hit the hay. Drake and I stayed up eating, and I met up with my buddy, Kyle, to catch up on life and future plans. Into my room of total strangers for a bro sleepover. All I have to say is five boys, one bathroom ... do the math. It was a good time, the guys from Westfield State and Fairfield University were super cool. We were cracking jokes until the early morning when it was finally time for bed. Day one, officially over and we kicked it old school.

Conference Tips:
No Shame - literally, the concept of shame does not exist at conference. You can pretty much feel empowered to be as comfortable with yourself and other people as you want. It's actually one of the most liberating things ever. To shout at the top of your lungs and not look crazy. School spirit is a must.
Conference Crush - from the moment you arrive at conference you scan the crowd and you select your conference crush, more than one is preferable. The person you'll unintentionally be obsessed with and then stalk the heck out on Facebook after you leave. If you're up for it, you complete the conference mating call and actually speak to, much more, hang out and properly get to know your conference crush. I'm pretty sure I'll end up in a relationship with a conference girl, you never know.
Awkwardness - no such thing, all it takes is trading pins to start a conversation with literally anyone you want. If only life were this easy!
The 20s are all about finding your passion. What makes you happy? What gets your heart pumping? What makes you excited? What makes you want to do and be your best? I don't know about you but when I truly care about something, I go all out and push myself further than I ever thought possible to make sure I'm taking it all the way there. No holding back, no limitations, and no excuses - I'm in it to have the best time possible. We kickin' it old school.

My blog post question for the day is ... what activity/event do you have zeal for? Going to conference gets me hype, allows me to wholeheartedly  be myself and basically be the most put together colossal mess of all time.


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