Campaign Trail

Being a teenager is all about playing the politics of life. College is one of those places where politics always seem to be in the play. Things can get a little hazy when it becomes all about who you know, who knows of you, and who's heard of you. It's a struggle just to stay out of the political arena and just be you. There's a difference about being politically correct, and hypersensitivity. Let's be honest, everyday is another long hard day working to get people on your side - it's the campaign trail.

It's been a crazy second part of the week for sure. Check out the "meaningful" part of this blog post in this vlog below. It tells the story of this week's presidential debate (aka Obama versus Romney on an international zinger competition) and the installation of University of Vermont's new president, E. Thomas Sullivan (guest appearances by VT Governor Shumlin, Senator Bernie Sanders, and former Vice President Walter Mondale - like whoa).
Everyday of college is like a little trip on the campaign trail. You get the chance to make some new memorable experiences and connect with people. You can make that first impression and add them to your group of personal fangirls. Here's your chance to dominate that campaign trail. Wednesday was another one of those patented Joteng copyrighted nonstop-go days. I woke up with those angry birds and headed downstairs to my honors college class. Somehow I make it through and it was on to chemistry. Organic chemistry is like a legit archaic language of alienic proportions. Like who the heck even speaks all that stuff. Bible class (aka intro to the Bible) was a whole lot of awkward since people were blatantly texting up a storm - like stoy away your iPhones and start bible busting. I had stuff to do and I just kept going and going and going like an Energizer battery. Biology lecture meant an exam and that ish was cray. Exam are always intense, it's like your grade is all about trying to get your professor to like you or something. Campaigning happens on a constant basis. From there it was straight to my office hours, and on the bus to central campus. I was on the verge of going crazy and contemplated actually riding the bus all around campus, but I got it together and went to the studio to be on TV. Check out our amazing episode here (I did the tweets at the end "Dirty Pop"). We did an even more classic show opener (Beverly Hills, 90210 style) and it was on to be presidential, the only way I know how how. Read between the lines there. Back to my suite to sit and just vegetate with music and meditation. The debates were on and the night was long. Totally on the campaign trail.
Another day another day on the metaphorical campaign trail. Thursday morning started with me doing super speed to get tea and cornbread. I hopped on the bus and it was off to my office hours. Me just sitting there smiling and waving to random strangers - campaign supporters, rounded on up. It was soon time for me to head back to my room and get changed for my tennis class. Look at me looking as sporty, we worked with the ball machines and it definitely helped out a lot. Sweaty, gross, and looking ratchet it was back to my room to shower, get ready, and finish up my chemistry lab work. I was running a little bit late, and I was booking it a cross campus. Into lab where I was a complete mess, half asleep, sort of drowsy and but totally rocking my "VOTE" shirt. We filtered some old man's beard stuff and crystallized it down. My lab partner and I were the last to leave and it started pouring rain. I was looking both hot and hanger, and it was like I was in a movie out there - wet t-shirt and all. Woof - I grabbed some food, stopped to catch up fraternity brother Dom, before heading downstairs to bro-bond with buddy Christopher. I stopped for a major candy run and ran into my good friend Nicholas (legit one of my favorite people on campus) before getting drenched walking back to my room. I was just done with life, and so a three ur nap it was. 8pm and I stopped to attend a fratertity info session before coming back to hang out with my suitemates. We burned the midnight oil hard, before calling it a night around 2am. Campaign trail, hit hard.

Being a teenager is all about rallying your people. Everyone you come into contact with has the chance to become on of your biggest supporters. It's up to you to convert them to be the loudest cheerleader in the crowd. You've got to work your charm, keep it all down to Earth, and work to make those meaningful connections with people. They'll check you off when election day comes around (metaphorically of course). Beat that path, it's the campaign trail.

My blog post question for the day is ... are you going to vote, why or why not? I actually wonder if voter apathy is still a thing - it's hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that someone who has the privilege of voting wouldn't actually go out and vote?


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