Twerk Team General

Being a teenager is all about showing off your best and brightest attributes. I'm a huge proponent of showcasing yourself, that is giving people the most amazing parts of you. Your smile, laugh, silly faces, humor, smarts, compassion, generosity and last but not least, your dance skills. All these things that draw people to you, and make them want to be around you. They are absolutely important and you're going to need them. Let it all hang out every once in a while and give the people what they want .... you! Put on your dancing shoes, roll of your sleeves, and drop it like it's hot, this is twerk team general.

Can I please first and foremost point out that the gif right there is me going hard (I've reached that point that I'm #gifworthy). Secondly, I have to explain the whole premise of this post, so here it goes. Twerking is literally all about shaking what your momma gave yeah, breaking it down, and doing the absolute utmost with your booty when it comes to dancing. In my mind though, twerk is representative of all things cheeky, playful, and utterly ridiculous. That is being a silly mess, getting a lighthearted banter going, or hitting it on the dance floor. Let's get this thing going, and twerk it on out. This whole twerk phenomenon continued in Saturday at my NEACURH Minis No-Frills Conference - Clue Finding the Leader: NU. Getting up at 6 am after 4 hours of sleep is not normal, but you make do when you're at conference. I got changed for the day so Taylor, Eric, and I could leave the hotel and walk to Northeastern's campus. Let's just say we were fashionably late (emphasis on the good looking part), and ended up joining a group of conference kids walking around, and we passed where we supposed to eat breakfast. Fail, by the time we realized what we had done, we only had like 10 minutes left and I just decided to head to president's boardroom and tough it out. There we were, like 40 RHA presidents from all over the northeast about to collaborate and get things done. We started with some review of parli pro (which was super interesting and simpler to understand than I had expected) and immediately went into hardcore mode and decided on who would win the first year experience award. Five amazing bids were presented to us and boy did we debate, just hours spent voting, dissenting, and persuading one another. All in all, it wasn't bad - it's just what you do. It's the process that counts. Definitely some people were getting a little restless, but you just calm it down, get it together and stay positive. Finally we finished and moved on to open discussion of all topics presidential. We were allowed to pass notes and I sent mine all around the room (little messages of encouragement and what not). Jeff and I were writing way too fast for our own good and he spent the majority of the time writing shining stars (little paper awards for people you thought were outstanding). This dynamic duo loves ourselves some recognition. Double selfie time happened and we engaged in some great discussion on advisors, elections, compensation and so much more. Lunch time rolled around and we met up with Bria and Kelly from Post University and Tom from Farmingdale State College and hit up the lunchroom.  Twerk team general ready to put on a show.

Team, a word that's definitely taken on a new meaning for me this school year. Being on a team means working with other people. That is taking their ideas and incorporating them into what you do. You answer to not only yourself but to other people. Teamwork is all about compromise. It's getting to the halfway point, and coming together for that common goal. Teams are on the same page, in sync and are all in the loop. Lunch time meant mingling and eating with Jeffrey and Thomas. Those two had me weak, just geeking out the whole break time. I checked in with all my UVMers and they had made friends with other schools were getting into it. Back to boadroom we went for final pictures and last words. From there I met up with Eric, Jaime, and Taylor as we caught the bus back to the hotel. Eric went shopping and Taylor and I went on our own little adventure. We caught the train (yes, I took the subway, don't be so surprised) and were a hot mess getting back to NU. We were hungry and were the final customers at the Popeye's (shameless - love that chicken) before they closed up. We made it to the parking lot and our sketchy van to pick up our prize packs and realized we had missed the final charter bus back. We were tasked with walking and the journey felt like it was never going to end. We made it, smelling like fried chicken, and hands frozen solid. No time to waste, it was dress up time and everybody was getting ready for the awards banquet. All of us from UVM met up and when we got tired of waiting for the elevator came up with the idea of taking the stairs. It was only supposed to be five flights, but all hell broke loose when we realized we couldn't get out anywhere. I'll be the first to say I panicked like nobody's business. I felt trapped and was not having it. We got separated and Taylor and I magically appeared at the back of the banquet room eventually. It was picture time and y'all know we're super photogenic so that meant tons of pictures with all of our favorite people there. Picture, pose, snap, flash, and repeat we went. Soon it was dinner time and the food was really good. I was thoroughly impressed. At last the awards ceremony started and with tearful speeches and heartfelt embraces it was all underway. Twerk team general, here we go.

General is a rank in the armed forces but to me it's another word for leader. I didn't choose the student leader life, the student leader life chose me. That's the truth. I just can't be not involved, I would go crazy on campus. I know I'm capable of making a difference and therefore because of that knowledge I'm obligated to help out and do something. Being the general doesn't mean always being in command, I only take the lead when need be, or when decisions needs to be quickly. I'm a supporter, and a double checker. I catch my board members before they fall. The banquet was great, as always. There's lengthy but they're worth it. Announcer, snaps, standing o-vations, and cheers back and forth liven the whole thing up. All of a sudden we get to RBD (regional board of directors) pride pin choices, and I hear something that kind of sounds like a description of me, but it couldn't be. Then they say the University of Vermont and I was like, "No freaking way." I was chosen for an RBD pride pin. I was absolutely shocked. I was flabbergasted and truthfully gobsmacked. I didn't have words and I couldn't believe it. I feel like I haven't done anything, but apparently I've made an impression. I went up to receive my pin and then swag danced back to my seat. I was totally beaming when I sat back down. No words just smiles. The general had made it. The awards ceremony wrapped up and it more pictures before we headed upstairs to get dressed for the dance. The elevators doors open and Eric, Taylor, Anna, Terra, Jaime and I stormed the dance floor. Twerk team general and his twerk team came out to play. Can I just tell you that we danced like it was the last night of our lives. I mean really danced, like threw caution to the wind and just went crazy. Like dance battles, synchronized moves, and freaky freestyles type of stuff. I will forever love all my UVMers for going so hard and letting loose. We took water breaks and I caught up with my buddy, Dylan, from Keene State and mirror-pic-ed it. That was hands down the wildest dance I have ever been to. It was too much fun for words, like I can't even describe how much I loved it. Everyone loved to dance and there was no awkwardness like junior high style. Sadly it had to end up it was more pictures with NYU, and UConn. We were still rowdy and we went up to the hospitality room for final snacks and thanked the amazing conference staff. Honestly, my gratitude to those people cannot be expressed, they went above and beyond in every way possible to make this conference what it was. I will forever be thankful to them. Bed time happened at 3 am after packing and it was all over. Twerk team general got twerked all out.

Being a teenager is all about being the best possible you. College is the place to find what makes you happy and meet people that you share those interests with. It's about growing, maturing, and figuring out what makes you tick. When you've found what makes you want to get out of bed, keep pushing on, and do more than you have to, that's when you've made it. Do what makes you happy, do what you love, and do you. Twerk team general ... out.
my edit. xx
My blog post question for the day is ... what's your favorite song to dance to? My guilty pleasure is "Birthday Cake (Remix)" by Rihanna ft. Chris Brown.


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