Giving Thanks

Being a teenager is all about realizing just how lucky you are in life. While we all have a ton of things to complain about, as in our daily lives on a an everyday basis, we still really have things to be thankful for. The thing about life is that there is always someone less fortunate than you. Someone whose situation is worse than yours. You think you have it bad, well someone has got it worse and your life could be so much different. It's time to reflect on ourselves, find some homely cheer and give thanks for what we have.


Let me start by saying that Thankgiving Break was just what I needed. I'm talking about sleeping in all day long. Eating real food cooked by people I actually know and watching so much TV it shouldn't be possible. I watched that new Disney show, Jessie, starring Debby Ryan and Cameron Boyce and instantly got hooked, it's actually funny. Then there were the 7 full Lifetime Movies that I watched. So much Holiday cheer and pure female betrayal. Thank goodness for Lifetime. Then there was that WEtv show "Braxton Family Values" with that entire chaotic family. My sister, Bianca, and my second oldest brother, Eugene, and I watched like 6 straight episodes after Thanksgiving dinner and sat in shock making fun of it. Too funny, like laughing to the point that we couldn't even breathe. Oh, I'm giving thanks alright.

Thanksgiving is for sure my favorite holiday of the year I think. It's in the middle of fall and it's where I'm amazing by my entire family every single time. Thanksgiving is where all of us get together and just hang out, being who we are and reconnecting. It's few times in the year that we all get to see each other and Thanksgiving is where we make the most out of it. One of the hardest things about growing up is that you inevitably have to separate from your brothers, sisters, parents, and friends. It's really amazing if you think about it, how we're able to live without one another, and in such a short few days catch up on each other's lives like nothing has changed or that entire span of time didn't even happen. That's the power of family. You know one of the many things that bother me (I admit, I can find a complaint about anything. I have high standards for everything) is when people have given up on their families. They don't speak to them and are on bad terms. I know people have extenuating circumstances but that's something that you should never, I mean ever give up on. Without family what is there to live for? I wholeheartedly mean that. It's amazing to think about that there are these people who you're forever connected to, the people who know you the best (if you let them), and they've been built right in to your life. Siblings especially the greatest invention in the world. Tons of teens hate their brothers and sisters and it's wrong. A lot of the petty things that siblings do to each other are just that meaningless and can be forgiven. Even if your sibling does something horrible to you, that's still your blood relation and blood runs deep. Forgive and forget people and realize that your siblings have the potential to be your best friends. Who else can truly understand your entire life. Yeah, your friends might know you, but they can't comprehend the craziness that is your parents, your traditions and your culture unless they live with you, and experienced it like your siblings. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to analyze your life and let go of the past. Give thanks that you even have siblings. I don't actually know what it's like to be an only child, but that 3 week period in June - read up on it here - where I was home alone was kind of crazy to act like I didn't have the rest of the clan with me. What I'm trying to say is give thanks for your family, other people don't even have families or families that care about them like yours does to you.

Thanksgiving is the time to see your friends. I'm about to drop some truth on you right now. All those people you promised to stay friends forever with in high school and have barely texted since you moved on to college, stop lying to yourself and let them go. The friends that will be true friend with are the ones that you go out of your way to see over breaks. Yeah, you can't see some of them but truthfully that doesn't even matter because you weren't that great of friends in the first place. Best friends, are the closest thing you can get to siblings and you prove that by hanging out with them even though it can be difficult to line everything up. But if you really care, you'll make time for them and see them. The worst moment is when you're with your friends and it's awkward because you've changed, and they've changed and you're really not the same anymore. It's up to you to either get back to your familiar place or go your separate ways. Thank goodness for my hang out sessions with my two best friends this week, Tay Jay, and Chels-Baby went well, as always. Nothing's changed, we still like to make fun of people, laugh a whole lot and we instantly went back to classic weekend nights from high school. Keeping high school friends can be a tough thing, but those are your original friends and you'll for sure need them. Just because you're in college doesn't you should loose touch. Give thanks that you have friends and people who truly care about you.

Thanksgiving is the time to appreciate what you have. You can look at your life and compare it to someone else's and you can always see the differences. Never take what you have for granted and don't underestimate the little things. Thanksgiving at my house is a massive event. Guests upon guests and literal mountains of food are consumed and it's great to know that we can share what we have with other people. Thanksgiving is all about sharing, and giving to others. It's a time to look at all you have and realize just how lucky you really are. I really couldn't imagine my life any other way and when things aren't the way I planned, I understand that my life could be terrible. So many people live their lives so much differently from mine, and college is where I've really seen it. Things that are normal for me, are not normal for other people and vice versa. Everyone values different things, and it's a melting part of so many people's lives. I'm thankful for my college friends. Krabby Patty, Jandro, Sammy, Rikey, Chasey, and the rest of those UVM kids make my college experience what is is. I'm thankful for them because I know without them I would have hated college and wanted to leave ASAP.

Being a teenager is all about looking the mirror and coming back down to Earth. It's so easy to get all high and mighty and forget what matters in this life. Love, family, friendship, compassion and generosity. Take this opportunity to look at your life and evaluate just how privileged you are. We're such teenagers, and we're so thankful. Lastly, I'm thankful for all of you who read my blog. It's heartwarming to know that people actually what I have to say. Hopefully you've had a ton of laughs from my teenage life, and learned a few things along the way too. As long as you've felt something, my work shall continue. Feel free to comment with your opinions and answers to questions of the day. Click the response buttons and share via google+, twitter, and facebook.

My blog post question for the day is ... what are you thankful for? Everything, I would not have my life any other way.


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