Majority Rules

Being a teenager is all about figuring your life out. No one can decide what you should do with your life or what you should be except you. You are ultimately the sole factor when it comes to directing your own. That's a great thing, but it's also a daunting task. There are so many questions and so much to think. The big question that always linger is ... what if? Well, we all know one thing if for in deciding your future, majority rules.

How do you know you're where you're supposed to be? How do you know that you should have attended the college you chose? What signs do you see that let you know you're in the place. Don't you ever wonder what your life would have been like if you had gone somewhere else? Who would I be, and who would I have met? Did I miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime, or was I supposed to be right where I am. Happiness is a weird thing, when your experiencing it, you don't take to realize it. You only notice it when its not there. When are you happiest? For me, I'm happiest when I'm relaxed and can completely be myself. That's a place where there's humor, it's not so serious and the environment is relaxed. I'm working towards a goal that will help other people and will make me smile in the process. In college, that happiness should come with your major. I mean, it's kind of like the major (oh gosh, excuse the corniness) reason you're there in the first place. It's the discipline in which you take the majority of your classes. How can you do something you don't like or downright hate. Aint' nobody got time for that. It takes a whole heck of a lot of time, so enjoy it while you can. That means studying something worthwhile for you. It should pique (ewe, I feel old as heck using that term, like Jesse Bradford in "Guys With Kids" old *BTW, the show is actually pretty good!) your interest and excite you. You should be passionate about your major. The best work is when you don't even know you're working. Your major should reflect you, and at the end of this entire whack job (similar to the entire show that Cougar Town *yeah for wine induced alcoholism - love that show) college experience. Majority rules out here, get with it.
Requested by anon.
You're probably thinking what brought on this post. Well I'll let you know that last semester quite possibly was a disaster and a half in the classes that make up my major (biology) - like eff organic chemistry #foreverandalways. I really was having thoughts of changing my major but I know if I do it would literally change my entire life path. If I deviate from biology, then I wouldn't be pre-med, no med school and no doctor Joe. But damn, the whole lab and science thing can be difficult as heck (like trying to figure out who A is and who killed Ali on Pretty Little Liars; pause for a moment, because the winter premiere yesterday was too much for freaking words ... Jason, really and Aria's dad Byron is the scariest sketch ball) but it's my life. I was taking a whazz (yeah I went there) and the urine was like super neon yellow. I just stood there and wanted to know why my pee was like highlighter yellow. I was absolutely intrigued and had to know. I remembered I drank 4 servings of that vitamin rich Odwalla Mango-Tango smoothie, which was full of vitamins. Yeah more than enough B17 for the day, and that's what caused it. It was that random moment again that let's me know that I want to be a doctor still. I can't imagine doing anything else, there's no other career like it. If you're having doubts about your major you really should go talk to someone. Check your academic unit or the dean's office in your college and be honest with yourself. If your major isn't working, then you might need to make a change. You pay way too much to be miserable at your school. The work might be hard, but if you can't do it because you don't have the drive for the study, then majority rules (let me use it how I'm going to use it for this damn post). Changing majors at school isn't a big deal at all, it's like some odd 82% of students changed their major at least once at college. Most schools you can just move it around online, and others require special permission especially it's a small program like a self-designed major (yeah, they exist - you can make something up that fits you) or in a different college at your university. Research the major and the courses that come with it before making any life changing decisions. You've got to choose something and stick with it though. You're supposed to declare a major preferably by the end of your sophomore year. Find out what you like and do it. Majority rules.
After college, there are those darned post graduate plans. We all know the economy is a mess (whatever that means) and it's a tough world out there. Young people fresh out of school are not getting jobs, plain and simple. People who thought they'd magically get the entry-level position in their profession and work their way up, can't even start at the bottom rung. It's absolutely terrible and truthfully heartbreaking. People just need a chance, and a lot of graduates end up taking jobs elsewhere just to get by. You can either join the work force after college and get right in there, attend graduate school (I mean more loans, who cares) and add another degree necessary to your career like medicine, law, education, social work, dentistry, etc. and last but not least, the ever popular "take a year off" (as if you're not in enough debt, you want to go globe trotting - do you, and I'mma do me). Whatever you choose, weigh the pros and cons of each and be prepared to live with your decision. Graduate school is different from college because it's the real world, you're out on your own and not everyone is your same young age too, people are married and have kids (uhm, last season of Greek - explains all). Now your career should be something that genuinely interests you. For me a job isn't a job unless I can directly help people. The money, it isn't my biggest motivator. If I wasn't going to be a doctor I'd most likely be a journalist or a social worker, (lawyer used to be on there, but that's too much lying for my taste). I love to write, and little kids, especially infants are what make me smile. Working in a maternity ward for 3 years in high school made me for sure want to be a neonatologist or an OB/GYN. Newborns are legitimately the best people ever, above all else - nothing is more amazing then the miracle of life and the look in people's eyes when they hold their child for the first time. Why do you want to be your chosen profession? What makes you tick? Where do you want to live? How much can you expect to make? What kind of lifestyle do you want to live? All these questions and more have to be answered by you. Do your research, it's never too late or too early to figure it all out. Majority rules. *Let me just say that the One Direction music video for "Kiss You" is all over the place. Honestly, it's a completely random mes that showcases that they can literally do nothing at all and people will flip out. Anyway, there are so gif worthy moments in there though, and the song is good (all of them are). I just had to say it, there's no plot whatsoever, it's just them. Oh and I finally saw "What's Your Number" with Anna Faris and Chris Evans and really liked it. I don't care if it got bad reviews, solid rom-com.
2 22 by seaofbirds on Flickr.A Child In Time: New frontiers in treating premature babies by Jerome Groopman

Being a teenager is all about making up your mind and choosing your own path. You can only go down the road that you're willing to. At the end of the day, no one can make the tough decisions in your life for you. You've got to listen to your heart, do what makes you happy and what you can see doing the rest of your life. I like to think, if you do what you love and love what you do, the money - it'll come around soon enough (or just marry rich, JK, but seriously). It all starts in college with that little thing called a major. Majority rules.
Sometimes necessary.fav. movie <3Wesley Morgan
My blog post question for the day is ... if you could choose any career and money didn't matter what would you do and why? I would for sure be either a social worker or a new anchor, the first one would be super fulfilling and the second one would just be fun as heck.


  1. I'd be a neurosurgeon (yes, that is my idea of fun). I just don't want the long hours and whatnot that comes with it.

    Labs aren't forever; soon enough, you'll be working with real people instead of mixing chemicals and all that jazz to observe already-seen reactions that will be irrelevant to you in five years. *eye roll*


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