Second Time Around

Being a teenager is all about doing things differently. Second chances aren't always given so when you do get one it's imperative you make the most of it. Second semester has more than begun and the first impressions are being unveiled like the hulking mess that Leah Dunham's mess of a dress at the Gold Globes (she took hours to walk on stage with that cocoon of marooning nonsense). This time it's going to be different, but only if you take an active role in making it so. This is the second time around.
Starting school after being away on winter break has got to be one of the hardest things you ever do as a teenager. Honestly, sitting at home, eating and sleeping - amongst doing a whole lot of nothing makes even thinking about going to class a mind-numbing concept. Well it happened and school is more than back on. For those of you who've already returned to campus and tackled those absolutely dreaded first few days of class, bra-freaking-vo (*claps pretentiously) and for the rest of y'all still lounging around - get ready, you turn is coming next. The secret for the first day of class is to do just enough. Not the most, not so little you basic as hell, but again not too much to look like you're trying to hard. It all begins with the ever important first day of school outfit. You've got to bring out some of your top looks for this. Everyone is checking everyone else out. People sit in class and their heads turn all the way round, all 360 degrees as they scope out who's in class (like in one of those awful Scary Movie movies). Pick out something great and make an impression. When you get to class sit in the middle. Not in front, like the Steve Urkel nobody wants to be, teacher's pet status is not a good look. Not in the far back with the narcoleptic kids who can't stay awake and the late comers. The middle is where you belong, just like Goldilocks and her porridge stealing self (that give was a certifiable thief, somebody should have arrested her ass for taking from those bears). Once you're in class, do what you normally do and blend in. Look for anyone you might know, but if it's something you're barely acquaintances with you might as well sit by yourself or next to someone new. The first few classes you go to is your chance to make new friends so stop being a pansy and introduce yourself. Yeah, it's nerve-wracking as hell and kind of awkward as eff to talk to a stranger, but I'm pretty sure everyone else is just as nervous if not more than you. It's like Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air when he accidentally took "speed" at prom to heal his big ole pimple - a bumbling mess of a fool. Really try and connect with new people, you need friends in every class (who else will you scam off of when you're studying for exams). Remember that it's important to maintain your look (that's right save the best for the second day of class) because normal people give up and stop trying, but you'll take the prize as best dressed. You're welcome - and good luck this second time around.  
‘Magic of Rahat’ Goes Trippy Viral with ‘Ghost Car’ Prank [VIDEO]
Let me tell you about my first few days of class. So a new thing this semester is my roommate, Brendan. He's super chill and we're slowly but surely figuring each other out. Monday morning my entire suite of Jimmy, Joel, Brendan and I all got up at like 9am to get ready for a first class. Of course I was the last one out of the room. I changed a full three times before I got my life together and headed out the door. I booked it to the Given building on campus and sat in the second to last row (I'm a hypocrite, I understand - I redeemed myself today and sit in the middle) in my American Political systems class. All I have to say is my professor is a uniquely crazy character. #NeverhaveIever heard so many vulgarities come from an adult (not even the Jerry Springer show compares to him) and his unpredictable lecture style kind of worried me shatless. I got out of there at the end of class, grabbed a muffin and was off to Redstone campus for my RHA office hours. There I was reuinted with my advisors, Drake and Learie, and we discussed my life in our meeting (it's like a therapy session in there, where I talk - solve my own problems will talking with interjections from them). I made it back to my room and started reading (like I know, this is big) and taking notes for my poli-sci class (I know to be afraid of all politicians and lawyers). I had a meeting at night with my executive board where things got real (thank the heavens, I'm glad everyone agrees this semester is going to be different) and made it to bed just before midnight. Tuesday started with me a restless mess after having some whack-job nightmares (thank you to my teddy bear for comforting me). I got dressed and ready for the long day ahead. I had two biology lectures back to back in the same room for a total of 2.5 hours, and I was more than done. I was bored mindless and was more than ready to leave, microscopy and genes can take a break from bothering me. It was on to my religion in pop culture class (which I absolutely love - two of my favorite things) where I got to talk about social media and TV (perfection) for over an hour. I finally had a break to eat and met up with some of fraternity brothers, Connor and Bela to hang out. Back to my room to do some more work before dinner with Sam and drive by talk to Zach and Derrick. I had my genetics recitation and my friends Dzenan and Jackie were both in there. The TA was subtly hilarious and I think I'm going to like our homework time. I spent the rest of the night with notetaking and delegating (perfectionist problems). I hit my bed at 1am and didn't look back. Second time around.

Being a teenager is all about is all about writing a different story. It's about breaking the cycle and doing something different. All the circumstances have changed, the only constant in this equation is you. Catch up to where you should be and make some moves. Things are better the second time around.
Hidden Palms: Party Hardyi’m feeling like reminiscing.Johnny and Greta - hidden-palms Photo
My blog post question for the day is ... I'd you could do over any moment from your life so far what would you repeat? I've made a few super awkward entrances in my lifetime, some of them should be rectified.


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