Round 2

Being a teenager is all about going back for seconds whenever possible. Second semester has either already begun or it's about to begin for all of us and that means getting into the swing of things. Second semester is not supposed to be an exact copy or some kind of freaky clone (1D Picture One Thing) of the first half of the year. It's meant for you to look back at the mistakes you made, what went horribly wrong and what you did right to change in the upcoming months. Think of second semester like a sequel better than the original not a failed attempt at a remake like "Fame" or the "Last Airbender" (saw both of those over winter break and they were literally terrible). It's time for not a brand new start but do way better and have an even better time than before. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (FX has the movies) style. This is round 2, ding, ding, ding.

When I look back at first semester it's kind crazy to see how far I've come. So much has happened and so much has changed since the move-in day. I can vividly remember literally shaking with fear of not liking my roommate, anxiety of not fitting in, panic whenever I couldn't find someone I knew, and fear of getting lost or being late. I'm a pretty confident kid, with high self esteem but starting college was one of the scariest things I've ever done, I'll say that right now. First semester most definitely had it's ups and it's down. Do you all remember the pranks that were pulled on me, yes there's an "s" because there more than a few. Sitting on my bed afterwards and wishing that I could go home, all the yelling and all the time wasted cleaning up after a mess I didn't make. First semester for sure had it's dramatic moments, ignorant things being said, everyone's first major weekend of collegiate drinking, pressures of exams and all the readings that had to be done. It was pretty intense. Check out this "Sh*t White Girls Say to Black Girls" because it completely describes my experience. I don't know about all of you, but I will never forget my first semester of college, too much happened. I can honestly say I only cried once at school, and that was when I was called a prude for not going out on Friday nights, after the buildup of everyone epic failing at trying to get me to drink and getting homesick. Other than that, I was most deff a big boy. Don't get me wrong I had a lot of good times first semester, but you know you really remember the bad things most. The trips to the mall with the boys, weekend breakfasts and MWF lunch outings, and all the random dancing and hall hangouts. Who can forget all that nonsensical craziness? My hall played a major part of how interesting my first semester was, for sure. It's time for round 2.

This semester is not only about redemption but flourishing. Think about it, you're starting all new classes with new professors and classmates. This is the time to change all the things you hated about the way first semester went. Go out your way to make new friends in classes, because we all know we'll need the study groups later on. I'm trying the whenever I sit next to someone new to introduce myself, just because. (Exclude sketchy looking people, being judgmental has it's perks, if they look like they are more than rough around the edges you'll know to be awkward and not say a thing) Using your time wisely. If you weren't involved in any extracurriculars (hanging out to smoke bowls and crush Natty's is not a proper passtime) it's time to get yourself immersed in the hustle & bustle. While I'm probably way too heavily involved clubs, I'm happy with the ones I've chosen because it keeps me constantly busy. If I'm not planning an event for my hall complex, I'm working on a campus wide event, or getting my topics ready for the TV-show I co-host. Joining clubs has given me access to so many other people, especially upperclassmen, that I wouldn't usually get to know. It's the bomb, the parties (the ones that I actually went are wilder) and they've got the inside scoop. Find something you like, maybe even look what you did in high school and try and pursue it this semester. I'm telling you, it makes college so much more fun. I can't tell you how many nights I spent up late, only a few times were to actually finish work or study, the rest were because my suitemates and even random hallmates would come just to hang out. This semester it's all about enforcing a proper bed time, midnight or later every night is not going to cut it. I'm thinking 11 o'clock should be perfectly fine, all conversations end and the boys of University Heights North 140B are going beddy-bye. Food-wise, I'm going to be diversifying my weekly nutrition regimen. I'm talking about mixing it all up, trying some new foods at different spots on and off campus and limiting ordering food for delivery to once or twice a month. The bathroom situation, my suite didn't really have one, it was super clean (mainly because I cleaned on a weekly basis) - however it might be time for a rotating cleaning schedule so everyone can help clean our sexy-time space sanitized and sparkling. Lastly, this semester I'm working on going places by myself and being more spontaneous. I like a schedule and being safe but something's got to give. Round 2 is about to be in session.

Do not forget to restock your supply of necessities. Things you forgot to pack with or buy, this is the time to finally purchase them. Room design didn't work you, and totally harshed your mellow, do something about it. I've made another list another massive shopping list for all the things I'm going to need more of. Cleaning necessities, school supplies (new notebooks people),  toiletries (for the pearly whites and to combat the B.O.) and the greatest things known to teenagedom ... food. Get whatever you can because you've been through it already, and know exactly what you need. Late night snacks when the dining halls close early, candy for when you get a craving, and air freshener for when your suitemates demolish your bathroom. Mooch off your parents for all their worth and get a major shopping run in before classes start because once they do you know it's only gas station and drug store runs at random. Settle in, buckle down, and change everything. Round 2, here we go.

Being a teenager is all about preparing to take a second shot. Second semester is your time to revisit how you want your college experience to go. It's about redemption, reimagining and maybe a tiny smidgen of revenge (if necessary). It's about writing the next portion of your autobiography on a daily basis. It's about being better prepared and not falling into the same situations from the past. It's your time to do whatever you want with it, make the most of it.

My blog post question for the day is ... what are you looking forward to most about second semester? For me, it's all about meeting new people. While it's totally nerve-racking to put yourself out there, it's worth it when you need help with classes and to hang out with a new group of friends.


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